What do we test for?
• Methamphetamine
• Ecstasy
• Marijuana/hashish
• Amphetamine
• Heroin
• Opiates
• Ketamine
Who should have this test carried out?
Home buyers
Property managers
Real estate agents
Hotels and motels
Storage unit owners
Why should you have us conduct this test?
• Exposure to any of the above listed drugs and/or their residues and/or precursors can cause
serious health issues.
* Many of the contaminants used in meth labs can also be harmful if people are exposed.
• Health problems may include breathing problems or respiratory irritation, skin and eye
irritation, headaches, nausea and dizziness.
• High exposures even for a short time can cause death or severe lung damage and skin
or throat burns.
• The gradually increasing repair bill for damage caused to a building being used to manufacture
and/or use methamphetamine and the extensive clean up and de-contamination.
* Potential legal action from new owners, tenants, visitors etc that may suffer from any medical
condition as a result of contamination from Methamphetamine (and/or its precursor's) .
Can I see evidence of "Meth" contamination?
While you may be able to see clear evidence of a Lab, in the form of stains on walls and floors and extra extractor fans, you are very unlikely to see any evidence of substance abuse, by
Rather, the smoke released from crystal-meth use will form residues on all the surfaces nearby and gradually soak into them over time. Over a period of weeks of regular “use” in a house, the
surfaces will build up significant levels of meth contamination, well above Health guidelines.
Over months and years of meth abuse, the sub-surface linings, framing and insulation will all become contaminated and yet you will not be able to see, smell or feel any of this contamination.
Can't I just clean the "Meth" residue away?
Sorry, it’s just not that easy. In fact, when some of the, so-called, Meth-Heads move out they try to clean the house, themselves.
They know landlords or prospective home buyers are likely to test for meth.
They wash down the walls with strong household cleaners like bleach and hydrogen peroxide as well as ammonia based detergents.
This temporarily masks the problem by reducing surface contamination but does nothing to solve the deep-seated problem.
Wont I be able to smell it?
Meth use will often not leave behind a discernible odour.
Do all "Meth Houses" have to be demolished?
No, not at all!
Most buildings that test above the Health guidelines for methamphetamine have low to moderate contamination levels and can be decontaminated.
Although it is labour intensive and hazardous work, it can be done without tearing your building apart in many cases.
Sometimes internal wall linings, ceilings and flooring may be removed from some areas of moderate meth contamination.
Some electrical appliances, which attract meth contaminants, like stoves, range-hoods, light switches and fittings and power points may also need to be removed in moderate cases.
Demolition is usually reserved for the worst cases where labs have been well established.
Aren't labs found in low socio-economic areas?
Contamination can be found anywhere, meth means big money, labs have been found in Million dollar homes and luxury apartments.